Good Effort - E.P.

The beautiful music of Kev Plaskett and Rob Barker blessed us for so many Lincoln events, we love them very much! This little E.P. we made in the Summer (maybe it was summer just in my recollections) of 2011. One day, we went for it and got these beautiful tunes down. It's been eight whole years now, but we want more! :) I hope that one day soon Kev and Rob will put the effort in again and make more of this super catchy music...

1. Something Near
2. Nowhere I’d Rather Be
3. Answers


None yet, but guys, if you want this published, let me know I’lll get on it ;) x

Good Effort playing ‘Something Near’ at my ‘Yes Hard Feelings’ album launch: x

Good Effort playing ‘Answers’ at my ‘Yes Hard Feelings’ album launch: x